On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true; so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue...
Oops! Sorry, I believe the Carpenters already pinned those words. Here we go....
Stef, Weeber, Daddy, Big Daddy,
Names of the one we celebrate~
Because of your love and unselfishness,
You've made our life so great~
Advisor, coach, handyman, fixer of little girls hair,
These are some of the things you do~
Tax man, yard man, prayer partner,
Just to name a few!
So from our house, the 3 of us,
Me, Maggie and Jake~
We wish you love and happiness,
And can't wait to eat some cake.

Much love Big Daddy!
~May you find Jesus in the ordinary and may His love be enough~
Love this! I hope he felt the love!