Some things are good, they stand up to the test of time, Fletcher's corny dog, corn on the cob, cotton candy, carmel apple...but fried butter and fried latte!! How on earth do you fry a latte....and WHY on earth would you! And better yet...why would anyone buy and eat such things.
Last Thursday was a fun day spent at the Fair, doing the usual along with some unusual. Usual - over eating, walking the Midway, checking out the car show, listening to a little music, lots of people watching and walking through the exhibits. Unusual - riding the Swans (paddle boats, which I must say I actually enjoyed), wine tasting and last but certainly not least....buying a set of "magic knives" - yes, as seen on tv.
We had basically stopped for a rest. We were the only ones standing there, the guy seemed to get a bit excited that he had an audience, albeit small. We told him we didn't really cook, he was just the first stop inside the door. He shot a look as if to say - I hate you already, but proceeded to give his demonstration.
Who knew a knife could cut through a metal bar, I mean, no idea why you would need to do this...but impressive non the less. It cuts through wood, again, why you would need to do this I don't know - but you could if you wanted to. It dices food so easily one might be tempted to throw out the food processor and it fillets a tomato so thin you would need 10 slices to add taste to your sandwich! Impressive? Well yes, I certainly thought so.
It made me want to be a better person. Ok, maybe a stretch, but at least a better cook. I can report that I've already used the knives twice and it's only been 24 hours...worth the money! I don't think I'll be on Top Chef anytime soon, but it is fun stocking the kitchen and makes me want to see Julie/Julia or whatever the heck the Meryl Streep movie is.
As Ms. Childs would say...Bon appetit!

~May you find Jesus in the ordinary and may His love be enough~
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