Thursday, December 17, 2009

Better to Give Than Receive

If we've heard it once we've heard it a thousand times, right. But it is as true today as the day our mothers first uttered the words.

Here's a little of the break down of Christmas, at least for me.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jesus loves everyone, always has, always will. His love is one of sacrifice, ultimately the sacrifice that would save the world. Of course He should be the reason we celebrate Christmas at all and it is easy to get side tracked on the giving..excess anyone?!?

On the other hand, it is okay to give gifts at Christmas. It is exactly what Jesus wants us to do, give to others. Our giving should be a matter of the heart, paying it forward where there is need.
Opportunities exist every single day and we need to be as generous, caring and giving as our time and resources will allow, not just at Christmas. Christmas brings opportunities to the surface though and that is a good thing, an opportunity to give something back - don't miss your chance! There are so many places to volunteer, places to serve.

A dear family was put in our path for such a reason this year. One chance encounter provided opportunity for lives to be touched in the true spirit of Christmas. One email and love was paid forward by my generous family and friends.

I had the privilege of delivering the goods today and the look of joy and HOPE for this grandmother made me the lucky recipient. God is so good!

Below, a grandmother's note, handwritten, name left out for privacy, but I think you will agree, it truly is better to give than receive.


~My Cup Runneth Over~

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