~traffic when I'm trying to get some where during the week...people have jobs
~airplanes...they bring people home
~military families...they show courage most of us only dream of
~the smell of a wet dog on a sunny means we all got to play
~a mess kids were home
~my children, they love the Lord...I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth 3 John4 hope in all things
~rough baseball outings...we learn more in the lean times, learn TO lean, get a chance to practice humility and our character has a chance to shine teaches to embrace each day, walk in gratitude and be tender to the needs and hurts of others
~long lines at the grocery means people have food
~churches...people have a place to worship, serve and give back
~a place called home...the location may change but the people remain the same
~nachos, diet coke and chocolate...
~friends...they remind you what it's like to be one, have one, keep one and lose one
~teaching times from God...even when it involves pain or loss, He holds me tight
~candy cigarettes!...Debbie Boone was right - you light up my life
~yard means I'm healthy enough to do it
~a little of Danny Tanner in me...always ready for a friend to sit a spell
~parents that showed up...from the first sporting event to the last I know they will be in the stands, on the sidelines...50 years and still going strong! listening to hard to hear baseball broadcasts (every night), tracking play by play, driving hours on end for cheer leading, baseball, softball, ladies tennis and no doubt any and all future events - here, there, everywhere...there you'll be
~demanding job...may we walk in gratitude..thankful to have one when many do not. May we steward it well, giving thanks, giving generously to those in need
~precious children in Sunday School that sing in an almost whisper...Jesus loves me this I know
~parents, grandparents and teachers that teach them the song...knowing it's the most important thing they'll ever need to know
~Jesus knows ME...this I love!
~flip flops and sno cones...summer can't be too far behind
~morning glory...first glimpse of God each day...oh how I love to reflect and be thankful for all that was, all that is, and all that is yet to be
~riding my is good when you're cruising in the wind...even better when your basket is full - you're headed some place with a little something to share, or you're taking a small furry friend...
~singing Take Me Out to the means I'm already there
~Big day with you is better than a million without the song says...I'm not as good as I was once but I'm as good once as I ever was
~paying for hair color and cuts...means I'm fortunate enough to have it to do
~baseball caps...for the times I didn't have to
~understanding of the important things...knowing that each day we wake up is the only day we are promised...Lord I pray I make it count for your kingdom
...what will I do with today...will I serve you..will I serve others...will I be content in my circumstances...will I wipe the tears of a hurting friend...will I allow them to wipe mine...will I give thanks before I do one single thing today...will I praise you for the chance of another day...will I randomly show acts of kindness because You were the best example of how and why I should do it..will I love the unlovely...will I love people that aren't going to love me back...will I gladly go in the trenches of trials with my friends and family...will I pray earnestly for those I made a promise of prayer..will I dance in the rain knowing the rainbow waits at the end...will I hug a grouch...kiss a prince...sing Jesus Loves Me when it feels like the world is against me...sing Jesus Loves Me when I'm on the mountain top knowing He put me there...will one person experience the love of Jesus Christ because I allowed You to use me today...
I am Thankful...
My Cup Runneth Over~