A lot like Christmas!!!
Oh happy day...Christmas finally arrived! Kristen posted this little gem on her blog back in June and I decided that day that this was going to be mine. Not even Santa could get the model, make and color in time for Christmas. It made for a sweet Valentine when word came that "Lola" was on her way. Unfortunately the flu bug was also in route and I'm just now able to take her for a spin. Short spins at that. I cough like a maniac when I get back home, so we're keeping it local. This little gem is fully loaded :)....leather, lights, bell for traffic and basket...for whatever or "whoever" might need a lift!
Me and Posh heading out for a little night ride....
It's official...this dog is NUTS! He was not posing for a picture...he cozied down and was ready for the long haul...he is c-r-a-z-y!**Note Picture 1...room on back for Nana...and Ms. Maggie peeking!
It felt good to smile after a couple of rough weeks of flu...thanks Santa!!!